COAT Constitution and Memorandum of Objects for State, Territory and New Zealand Chapters
COAT is incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (NSW).
Under the COAT Constitution, the COAT will be constituted by the National Council comprising the Executive and member tribunals representatives from State, Territory and New Zealand Chapters of the Council, as noted in Part 2 – 5.
The objects of the COAT are set out in Part 1 – 3. The basis of membership is that, at the national level, tribunals are members. Tribunals are represented by their presiding officers or their delegate.
State, Territory and New Zealand Chapters
In addition to there being the Council, there may also be New Zealand and Australian State or Territory chapters of COAT, headed by a Convenor of each chapter.
Practitioners, academics and other interested persons are also eligible to become members of a chapter.
Please visit the ‘Chapter’ section of our website for further information on COAT State, Territory or New Zealand Chapters or email
Membership Fees
Membership fees are charged to belong to COAT. At the national level, there is a minimum fee of $100 or $50 per full time member or equivalent of part time members, which ever is the greater. Provision exists for the Executive to reduce or waive entirely membership fees on a case by case basis.
To view the COAT Constitution please click here