New Member Induction Program
New Member Induction Program
The Council of Australasian Tribunals (COAT) is offering an on-line interactive training program designed for recently appointed Tribunal members. Led by Justice Alan Wilson, former judge of the Supreme Court of Queensland and inaugural president of the QCAT and Hon. A/Judge Jennifer Boland and former judge of the Family Court of Australia and now Deputy President, NCAT, the course will offer practical guidance on carrying out the challenging role of a tribunal member.
The program will cover:
• preparing for a hearing
• conducting a hearing, including dealing with self-represented applicants, taking evidence, working with interpreters and managing proceedings
• fact finding and assessing evidence
• decision writing and decision making
• the rules of procedural fairness
Program participants will be able to:
• choose to work through modules of interest
• access online resources
• view videos featuring experienced tribunal members discussing key topics
• participate in online discussions in a collegiate and supportive environment
Obtain practical guidance from experienced tribunal members
Dates in 2017:
The program will run for seven weeks from 25 September 2017 to 17 November 2017. Apart from an initial meeting (by phone) participants will be able to access the program at times and place to suit their convenience.
The essentials
The program is mobile, iPad friendly and laptop friendly.
Dubbed “FaceBook for tribunal members”, the technology is simple to navigate. Participants will be given instruction and guidance on how to navigate the program. It is estimated that participants will need to devote about two hours per week to the program.
The amount of time will vary depending on level of knowledge and experience.
Course numbers are limited to 15 to ensure maximum participation.
AU$500. Early bird rate of AU$450 if paid before 4 August 2017
Note – COAT is not registered for GST and the amounts stated do not include GST. Payments to be made in Australian Dollars only.
To register your interest:
Contact Kathryn McKenzie, COAT Secretariat 0418 281 116 or email
To find out more about the program:
Contact Athena Ingall Athena.Ingall@AAT.GOV.AU
Please click here to download the flyer and registration form.
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