Decision Writing Course (Online) 05-23 May
Decision Writing Course (Online) 05-23 May
The COAT online introduction to decision writing program is primarily designed for Tribunal members with less than two years’ experience. However, the program is also suitable for members with slightly more experience who may wish to undertake a refresher decision writing program. The next courses will be held 5-23 May 2025; 15 September – 3 October 2025. (Disregard times as it is self-paced and required only for the event program format)
This short intensive online program will be delivered over a three-week period and will involve a commitment of about six to eight hours. The program is self-paced /directed so members can access the site at a time convenient to them. The program can be accessed via smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, the program is both Mac and PC friendly. There is a maximum of twenty participants per program.
The program will cover:
- developing a structure for reasons for decisions
- identifying issues that must be addressed to meet the obligation imposed by s 43 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth)
- articulating reasons for findings of fact and the exercise of discretionary power
- tips and strategies for writing cogent, persuasive and timely reasons for decision.
- will have access to an extensive online library that includes essential and recommended reading on the topic of decision writing and fact finding
- can view informative videos providing helpful tips, for example A/Judge Boland being interviewed by Ms Britton, Deputy President, NCAT and previous Chair, COAT on giving adequate reasons
- will be able to complete several activities such as identifying the factual issues in case studies and interact with other participants about their responses associated with exercises
- can submit an extract of a decision to receive extensive personal and confidential feedback (via phone and or email) from an experienced judicial officer.
The course has assisted me greatly in performing my functions as a tribunal member. Participant
COAT has limited online licenses each month for all our courses. Extending access to programs or re-enrolment without payment, can only occur in exceptional circumstances.
Cost: $ 495 plus 10% GST to be paid prior to the commencement of the program. Please click here to download the flyer.
Please note your preferred course date in your online registration , or contact our office at

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