2022 COAT National Conference
Tribunals: Reset and Reinvigorate
Thursday 9 and Friday 10 June 2022
After a year like no other, 2022 will be a time for Tribunals to reset and be reinvigorated. This is the theme for COAT’s National Conference – to be held as a virtual event. There is an impressive range of national and international speakers.
COAT 2022 Conference: Leading Tribunals an interview with Graeme Neate AM, President ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal
COAT Closing Session from Conference Design Pty Ltd on Vimeo.
Conference Resources
Reality Testing or Manipulation?
Franca Petrone
Conference Program: 2022 COAT National Conference - Tribunals: Reset and Reinvigorate
COAT National
Working Effectively with High Conflict People
Megan Hunter, MBA, Co-founder / CEO
Statutes as formal literature: choice and constraints in their readingÊ
The Hon Duncan Kerr, SC FAAL Chev LH