2016 COAT National Conference

Between CATs and Courts

Thursday, 9 June 2016 - Friday, 10 June 2016


Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart

Featured keynote speaker Mark Robinson SC, a highly respected barrister specialising in administrative law, and well published editor, author and academic.

The Conference also coincided with Hobarts iconic annual Winter Festival, Dark Mofo, 10-21 June 2016. The Festival celebrates dark through large-scale public art, food, music, light, film and noise.

Conference Resources

Dealing with Complaints

Anne Darroch, Prinicpal Disputes Referee

Tensions in the Obligations of Tribunal Members

The Honourable Alan Wilson QC

Role of Reviewing Courts in Administrative Decision Making

The Honourable Justice Buchanan

Looking Over Your Shoulder, Tribunals in Australia

Mark Robinson SC

Looking Over Your Shoulder, Tribunals in Australia

Mark Robinson SC

Big Sister is watching - Orwellian overtones or no cause for alarm

Peta Stilgoe

Conference Program: 2016 Between CATs and Courts


Big Sister is watching - Orwellian overtones or no cause for alarm

Peta Stilgoe

Rounding Up CATs - The Respective Roles of Tribunals and Courts in Disciplinary Proceedings against Lawyers

Chris Edmonds SC