2015 COAT National Conference

Dreams & Realities: The Evolution of Tribunals

Thursday, 4 June 2015 – Friday, 5 June 2015


RACV Club, Melbourne

Conference Resources

Accessibility of Tribunals for Vulnerable or Disadvantaged Participants

Matthew Carroll, President, Victorian Mental Health Tribunal

Access to Justice, Law Schools, and Clinical Legal Education - The VCAT Self- Help Clinic

Professor Bryan Horrigan BA, LLB (Hons) (Qld), DPhil (Oxon)

Access to Justice Report - The Role of Tribunals

Angela MacRae Angela MacRae Commissioner, Productivity Commission

Tribunals and Administrative Law Times They are A'Changing

Robin Creyke

Structure and restructure, the rise of FDR and experts in hot tubs - Reflections on SAT's first decade

Judge David Parry

Mindfulness for resilience, wellbeing and sustainable performance

Dr Craig Hassed Senior Lecturer Monash University Department of General Practice

Opening Address

Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr. President, Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Conference Program: 2015 Dreams & Realities: The Evolution of Tribunals