2016 Twilight Seminar

2016 Twilight Seminar

Dear COAT Members and Colleagues

The Victorian Chapter of the Council of Australasian Tribunals (COAT) is holding its 2016 Spring Twilight Seminar on Wednesday 7 December at 5.00 pm at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), 120 Spencer Street, Level 10.

COAT Victoria is delighted that Melinda Richards SC, Member of the *Access to Justice Review* (commissioned by the Victorian Attorney-General) has agreed to speak on “Access to Justice Review – providing better support to self-represented litigants appearing before tribunals, panels and boards”, with commentaries to be provided by Tim Lee, Commissioner, Fair Work Commission, and Tamara Hamilton-Noy, Member AAT, Social Services and Child Support Division.

Please click on below:

We encourage your attendance and early registration.  It would assist Seminar organisers if you could register as soon as possible, and no later than 2 December 2016.  Please note that COAT does not charge a fee for attendance at its twilight seminars, but a COAT membership form for 2017-2018 (* which also covers membership for the last 3 months of the 2016-2017 financial year) is attached for those who are not already members of COAT Victoria, but wish to join or renew.

We look forward to your attendance, and would appreciate it if you could circulate the details to all your colleagues, especially those who are not COAT members but who would be interested in attending the conference.


Wednesday, 7 December 2016
12:00 am


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