Practice Manuals for Tribunals

The Practice Manuals for Tribunals is a resource that has been developed by COAT to assist tribunal members in carrying out their duties. The manuals provide information and practical guidance on a range of practice issues that will be relevant to the diverse group of tribunals that may be members of COAT. The manuals cover areas such as procedural fairness, conducting hearings and making decisions.

The Practice Manual for Tribunals was first published in April 2006. It was produced with the generous assistance of the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration and the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General. A second edition of the Practice Manual was published in early 2009. The Fourth Edition was published in September 2017.

A hard copy of the Practice Manual for Tribunals is provided to the head of each tribunal that becomes a member of COAT. Please contact our office for additional copies.

Please click here to download a PDF  format of the Fourth Edition of the Practice  Manual for Tribunals.  Please note that you need to download the pdf and save it, then open your Adobe reader program and open the file  from there to be able to view and use the index. 

Please click here to download a PDF of ‘Tribunal Independence in Appointments – A Best Practice Guide’  August 2016

Any enquiries relating to access to the Practice Manual for Tribunals or Best Practice Guides should be sent to