We are pleased to announce the 2019 COAT NSW Conference will take place Friday 6 September, Pullman Sydney, Hyde Park

2019 COAT National Conference

Communicating Justice: Tribunals in the Community

Thursday, 6 June 2019 - Friday, 7 June 2019


Melbourne Convention and Exhbition Centre (MCEC)

The Conference explored the way in which digital trends are impacting on the work of Tribunals, both now and in the immediate future.


Conference Resources

Working with interpreters in Boards and Tribunals

Susan Burdon-Smith, VCAT

The Justice Project - Improving access for groups withi particular communication needs

Leonie Campbell, Law Council of Australia

Push, Pull or Nudge? How Nudge Theory can offer new ways for tribunals to get the message across

Justice Iain Ross AO

Managing stress and maximising wellbeing for decision makers on tribunals, boards and panels

Carly Schrever, Judicial College of Victoria

Exploring Online Dispute Resolution'

Carolyn McSporran, VCAT

Conference Program: 2019 COAT National Conference. Communicating Justice: Tribunals in the Community


The importance of storytelling and narrative in tribunal decision-making

Bernard McCabe, Administrative Appeals Tribunal