2018 COAT National Conference

Toward the Horizon - Tribunals of the future

7 - 8 June 2018


QT Canberra, ACT

The program focused on features of the broader community, future trends within Australasia and the impact they have on the work of tribunals.

In other words, we looked well outside the day-to-day work of tribunals to understand changes in the environment in which we operate, in order to inform the development of future practices.


Conference Resources

Access to Justice, Administrative Tribunals and the Rule of Law

The Hon Robert French AC

Providing Access to Justice: Taking Tribunals to the Community

Dr Bertus De Villiers (Member: SAT)

Advance Australia Where? Making sense of the Census

Denise Carlton, ABS Chief Demographer

Automating Justice- Rights and Liberties in a Digital World

Prof Genevieve Bell

Brave New World

Sue Salthouse

Conflicts of Interest - the Rule Against Bias

Laura Beacroft and Peta Spender ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal ANU Law School

Ex tempore decisions - or saving your sanity

Lorraine Walker, Chief Magistrate and Chief Coroner of the Australian Capital Territory

Restoring Community Relations in a Digital Age - the Community Justice & Tribunals System (CJTS)

Principal District Judge Bala Reddy Community Justice & Tribunals Division State Courts, Singapore

Restoring Community Relations in a Digital Age - the Community Justice and Tribunals System

Principal District Judge Bala Reddy

Technology in the Federal Courts

Warwick Soden

The High Court's decision in Burns v Corbett

Dr Anna Olijnyk

The Impacts of Self-Represented Litigants on Civil and Administrative Justice: Environmental Scan of Research, Policy and Practice

Dr Liz Richardson, Dr Genevieve Grant and Dr Janina Boughey with Dr Becky Batagol

Thrills, Spills and Skills: Communicating Clearly

Gina Frampton

Tribunal Physical Safety and Security

Sian Leathem

Tribunals of the Future - Toward Digital Tribunals?

The Hon. Justice Greg Garde AO RFD, President VCAT