2017 COAT National & COAT (NSW) Joint Conference
Tribunals: Enablers of Justice
Thursday, 8 June 2017 – Friday, 9 June 2017
Sydney International Convention Centre
The theme for the 2017 Conference was ‘Tribunals: Enablers of Justice’. The Conference program offered thought provoking speakers as well as practical, skills based sessions to support Tribunal members in delivering justice in our diverse community.
Conference Resources
Recent Developments in Tribunal Law
Joanna Davidson, Sixth Floor Selborne Wentworth Chambers
Judy Atkinson
Flexibiilty, Informality and Despatch - Striking the balance in Tribunal decision-making
Keith Mason AC QC Council of Australasian Tribunals Conference
Communicating effectively with people with cognitive disability
Melinda Smith Coordinator Cognitive Disability Services
Access to Justice in Multicultural Australia
The Honourable Wayne Martin AC Chief Justice of Western Australia
The need to raise the bar: court interpreters as specialised experts*
Associate Professor Sandra Hale
Tips for Writing Clear, Logical and Concise Decisions
Justice Debra Mullins (Supreme Court of QLD)
Tribunals and Self-Represented Parties
Helen Shurven
Working effectively in a diverse world
Anukool Sathu Diversity & Inclusion Consultant
Conference Program: 2017 COAT National & COAT (NSW) Joint Conference. Tribunals: Enablers of Justice
The Unreasonable, Querulant and Vexatious as Self Represented Litigants
Dr Grant Lester Consultant Forensic Physchiatrist Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health
Building organisational competency in a diverse world
Anukool Sathu Diversity & Inclusion Consultant